Christ College Case Study

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Christ College Case Study

Project Overview:

Christ College reached out to BOSS to design and furnish a student library space that fosters an optimal learning and study environment for students. The new furniture should promote comfort, functionality, and collaboration while accommodating diverse study needs. The aim was to create an inspiring and welcoming atmosphere that enhances the overall learning experience.

Project Goals:

The following goals were set by the client:
• Functional Comfort: The new furniture should offer ergonomic support, ensuring students can study comfortably for extended periods.
• Versatility: Furniture pieces should cater to various study preferences, including individual focus, group discussions, and be fully flexible in terms of layout.
• Collaboration: Incorporate furniture arrangements that facilitate group work and
collaborative study sessions.
• Aesthetics: Create a visually appealing and cohesive design that complements the library’s existing interior.
• Durability: Select furniture that is durable and easy to maintain, considering the high usage of the space.
• Space Optimisation: Maximize the use of available space, ensuring efficient traffic flow and preventing clutter.


The goal of this project was to transform the student library into a dynamic and engaging space that encourages learning, collaboration, and personal growth. By carefully considering the needs of the students and incorporating versatile, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing furniture, the new library design has become an asset to the educational experience at Christ College.